meditation & Affirmation Resources for You

This is a free, full version of the “Fountain of Youth” internal empowerment meditation Ray learned directly from world-renowned Qigong master, Robert Peng. Used daily it may transform multiple parts of your life, including energy, intuition, awareness, perception and even sexual ability. It is the the beginner’s version with introductory instructions.

Enjoy these partial samples of tracks created for our clients.

Please use headphones or earbuds as the tracks are designed for a specific audio experience, with some including multiple voice components

If you are interested in the full 20 minute tracks, please contact us here.

Custom intention track - male voice made to client’s personal situation and preferences:

Custom intention track - health, wellness and self-empowerment. Female voice made to client’s personal preferences:

Meditation journey for both grounding and energizing wellness - male voice

Thriving247’s signature custom meditation and intention services can include any of these components to best fit your needs:

  1. 20-minute discovery session to identify your areas needing addressed 

  2. 60-90 min optional hypnosis session 

  3. Choice of custom Intention Track and/or Meditation Journey track designed to resonate with your particular situation and needs (higher fee for both) 

  4. Creation of custom intentions composed to reinforce issues if Intention Track selected 

  5. Optional recording of client reading their intentions should they prefer to hear them in their own voice rather than Ray’s. These will be mixed into the final track.

  6. Goals of Meditation Journey environment, issues and associated memories identified if Journey option selected 

  7. Delivery of both vocal audible track(s) for meditation purposes and low vocal tracks(s) for sleep, work or other activities that do not require attention. 

Meditation offers proven benefits for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Regular practice reduces stress by promoting relaxation and calming the mind. It improves focus, attention, and cognitive abilities, fostering self-awareness and personal growth. Meditation also reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression, enhancing emotional resilience.

Moreover, it positively impacts physical health. Meditation improves sleep quality, reduces insomnia, and lowers blood pressure in individuals with hypertension. Additionally, it boosts creativity by quieting the mind and unlocking creative potential. Ultimately, meditation enhances overall well-being, fostering a positive outlook, increased resilience, and a sense of inter-connectedness.

Establishing a consistent meditation practice can yield these benefits and promote holistic well-being.